Topic: Some limitations of the human mind
Time: 10h00-11h30, Wednesday, May 31st, 2023
Speaker: Prof. Remo Job, University of Trento, Italy
✅ Location: Room 404, B1 Building, Hanoi University of Science and Technology

✅ Abstract:
This talk will argue that while very powerful, the human mind presents some limitations that derive from evolutionary and/or functional constraints. The speaker will illustrate such state of affaire in the areas of perception, reasoning, language, and memory.
Besides, the speaker will also provide information about The Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project coordinated by the University of Trento allows funded mobility of Bachelor, Master and PhD students from the partner universities, including HUST.
✅ Speaker Bio:
Remo Job is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Trento (Italy). Member of the Board of Scientific Affaires of the European Federation of Psychological Association and the Psychonomic Society. His research areas are language and cognitive processes. He coordinates the BA Course in Communication Interfaces and Technologies and teaches Ethics in the MA Course in Human-Computer Interaction.
Slides: HUST Lecture Limits of the mind 2023
Info about the University of Trento and the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project
Recording: to be updated…