Seminar: Fi-Mi: A Fine-grained AI-based Mobile Air Quality Monitoring and Forecasting System

Topic: Fi-Mi: A Fine-grained AI-based Mobile Air Quality Monitoring and Forecasting System

Time: 17h00, Thursday, July 21st, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Nguyen Phi Le, Managing Director of BKAI

📌 Location: Room 404, B1 Building


Fi-Mi is a project funded by VinIF, composed of HUST team (SoICT, SEE), Chiba University, and Wireless System R & D Laboratory, Toshiba. Fi-Mi relies on lightweight air quality monitoring devices mounted on the buses. On the one hand, by exploiting the buses’ dynamic and deep learning-based prediction techniques, Fi-Mi can broaden the monitoring regions and provide fine-grained air quality information. On the other hand, by utilizing cost-effective monitoring devices, Fi-Mi can significantly reduce costs compared to the existing approaches. In this talk, we would like to share achievements Fi-Mi team has achieved so far, especially our research findings on AI-related issues.

Speaker Bio:

Phi Le Nguyen is the managing director of BKAI. She is a lecturer at the School of Information and Communication Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. She received her B.E. and M.S. degrees from the University of Tokyo in 2007 and 2010, respectively. She received her PhD degree in informatics from National institute of Informatics, Japan in 2019. Her major is networking which includes optimization of network protocols, optimization of network deployment, resource management and performance analysis of both wired and wireless networks. Currently, she is focusing on exploiting machine learning to enhance network performance.

Slides: Fi-Mi_NguyenPhiLe

Recording:  to be updated …